Sandown Park
Hosted by Shire Of Chittering
SpacetoCo Host since November 2021 · 5k bookingsJust one hour’s drive from Perth, the Shire of Chittering is nestled in the northern hills of the Darling Range within the beautiful Destination Perth region. With its untouched bushland and wetlands, vineyards, orchards, spectacular wildflowers and views, the area is a perfect day trip or short-break destination. A picturesque gateway into Western Australia’s wheatbelt region.
Areas in this space (2)
This space contains 2 different areas that can be booked independently.
Sandown Park
About this space
This community reserve has been home to the South Midlands Polocrosse Club since 1967 and the South Midlands Pony Club since 1973.
The equestrian pursuits undertaken at this facility are supported by a basic clubroom and canteen facility. A shower and changeroom block supports participants during club rally's and events.
The facility also lends it self to large scale outdoor public events such as festivals and market days.
All booking requests will be considered through consultation with the South Midland Polocrosse Club and the South Midlands Pony Club, taking into consideration the impact of proposed events on the polocrosse fields and arena.
Booking schedule
Extra items and charges
This space has extra items and charges that can be added to your booking. Some may be required depending on your booking time and type, which will be shown at the checkout.
Suitable for
7 Chittering Street, Muchea WA, Australia
Opening times
6:00am - Midnight
6:00am - Midnight
6:00am - Midnight
6:00am - Midnight
6:00am - Midnight
6:00am - Midnight
6:00am - Midnight
All hirers have a responsibility to make right the grounds after each use in preparation for the next user. This includes field rolling and top dressing to patch damaged areas as a result of their activity.
At the conclusion of your hire period place the red waste bins against the fence near the gated pedestrian entrance to the clubrooms in preparation for waste collection.
Hirers are responsible for ensuring adequate waste bins for their events and, for collection of waste at the conclusion of the event, should there be a need for additional bins than provided at the facility.
Ground use must be rotated (eg. Jumps or arenas moved around) to reduce damage to the fields.
Parking of vehicles can only occur on the grounds in the parking areas outlined on map provided. No parking on fields. No tethering of horses or making of temporary yards on the fields.
No alterations to the grounds can occur without prior written permission of the Shire.
All equipment must be set up and packed up in the designated hire period. Please account for bump in and out when making your booking.
Dogs are not permitted on the grounds during equestrian events. During other times, dogs must be on a leash at all times as the reserve is not a designated dog exercise area.
No use of Cross-Country Jumps unless approved by South Midlands Pony Club. Please contact the Shire for further information.
All gates to the fields must be shut at all times to prevent horses getting onto roads. Prior to commencing an event, the hirer needs to walk the perimeter of the grounds to ensure all gates are shut along Carl Street (2) and around all of the club rooms. Entrance gate to the playing fields must remain closed at all times during horse events.
If using the roadside arena at entrance, the main gate to access the facilities must also be shut. However, this gate must be manned by the event organiser to ensure access and egress to the fire station for emergency vehicles and personnel.
No parking in front of the fire shed or in designated fire parking (beside shed). Fire trucks must be able to enter at all times.
Any damage must be repaired at Hirers expense.
If horses dig holes in yards or when tied to float/truck the holes must be filled and evened out by the hirer.
Any holes or upturned grass must be filled/flattened at the completion of each event.
No fires permitted.
This facility can only be hired until midnight. All music must cease by 11.45pm. Guests must have vacated the facilities and car parks by 01.00am, except where special permission has been granted in the case of overnight camping.
SPECIAL EVENTS: Permission may be sought from the Shire to extend the closure time. This must be applied for 30 (thirty) days prior to the event and the Shire will provide notification to the local police. Approval will be at the discretion of the Shire.
Additional details
Free venue parking onsite. Please observe parking areas displayed on the site map.
Visitors are asked to observe no parking signs in front of the Muchea Fire Brigade and ensure that the drive way access remains clear at all times. The Fire Station is co-located on this site.