St Helens Park - Rotunda
Hosted by City of Prospect
SpacetoCo Host since December 2018 · 10k bookingsCity of Prospect is an inner urban local government area in Adelaide, South Australia.
About this space
Situated on Prospect Road between Ballville Street and Richman Avenue, this large community park is located on the site on which St Helen's House was built in 1860. Council acquired the land in 1946 and commenced work in the 1970s to turn the property into a community park. The original coach-house remains.
St Helen's Park offers:
• Barbecue facilities
• Play equipment
• Toilets
• Rotunda
St Helens Park is a popular location for weddings and functions.
Open space areas play an important role in the lifestyle of our families as well as the positive impact they have on the amenity of our City. As such, council remains committed to maintaining these beautiful parks and recreational facilities for everyone to enjoy.
Please be aware of South Australia's ban on single-use plastic with drinking straws, stirrers and cutlery. Council has also adopted a 100% compostable (not biodegradable) approach to all crockery/cutlery and drinkware used in all our halls and parks along with a no balloon policy in our efforts to reduce landfill.
Booking schedule
Extra items and charges
This space has extra items and charges that can be added to your booking. Some may be required depending on your booking time and type, which will be shown at the checkout.
Suitable for
39 Prospect Road, Prospect SA, Australia
Opening times
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 7:00pm
This notification does not signify that any function or group has exclusive use of a public park or reserve. The booking group must allow movement by public around designated hire area.
Parks and reserves must remain accessible to all members of the public throughout any private or corporate function therein.
Any noise is to be kept to a minimum and at a volume that will not cause undue disturbance or annoyance to nearby residents.
There is no power available to the general public however community groups may with prior written approval of council.
Seats for wedding parties and guests must be set up no earlier than 30 minutes before the ceremony and removed no later than 30 minutes after the ceremony.
Under no circumstances may confetti be used. The use of rice is permitted.
No tents or marquees are to be erected without the prior written approval of Council Administration. Under no circumstances shall tent pegs/stakes or any other object be driven into the ground. Water weights or sandbags can be used as an alternative.
“Jumping Castles” or other equipment may only be erected in Memorial Gardens – with the prior written approval of Council. The following guidelines below will also apply:
• Application for use of any amusement structure must be in writing and include a full description of the equipment, how it will be used and the estimated number of people anticipated to attend the event/function.
• Council will advise suitable location of equipment to avoid damage to park facilities including underground services.
• Applications must be accompanied by a current Certificate of Equipment Compliance and a Certificate of Public Risk Insurance Policy for a minimum cover of $10 million covering the period of the event/function.
BBQ’s. To prevent damage to or risk of damaging the grass portable BBQ’s are only allowed at Memorial Gardens on the gravel driveway, in the car park (at the back of the toilet block), but not blocking access to the chain gate entrance to the park.
No motorised or horse-drawn vehicles are to be driven onto any park or reserve.
Vehicles must not be parked on the paved area between St Helens Park and Prospect Road.
Users of St Helens Park are also reminded to observe the NO STANDING zone on Prospect Road immediately in front of the park.
Any damage to buildings, equipment, plants, fences or fixtures that occurs as a direct result of the event or function will be repaired by Council, but at the cost of the user.
The park or reserve must be left as found and all litter and waste is to be removed after the event.
For events where alcoholic drinks are to be consumed or sold, a limited licence may be required. Contact the Office of Consumer & Business Services for more information. Written Council approval is required.
The Council will not accept any liability for claims for damages arising from the use of the park or reserve.
Please be aware of South Australia's ban on single-use plastic with drinking straws, stirrers and cutlery. Council has also adopted a 100% compostable (not biodegradable) approach to all crockery/cutlery and drinkware used in all our halls and parks along with a no balloon position in our efforts to reduce landfill.
For large events requiring keys to access the park, a key bond of $100 will be applied to your booking. This bond is returned once the key is returned.