Stockade Botanical Park Area 2 - Waterfall

Stockade Botanical Park, Howard Road, Northfield SA, Australia ·
Min. 1 hour
PAE Reserves

Hosted by PAE Reserves

SpacetoCo Host since November 2024

At the City of PAE, we’re proud to see ourselves as a growing, thriving and diverse community. The rich heritage of our First Nations peoples, along with the cultures of residents who were born around the world, make this a unique place to live, work, learn and play. No matter what your age, ability or stage of life is, Port Adelaide Enfield is a community where it’s easy to be active, get involved and enjoy a good life.

This space contains 1 different area that can be booked independently.


Stockade Botanical Park Area 2 - Waterfall

Min. 1 hour
This is an open shared space.

About this space

Stockade Botanical Park Area 2 – The Waterfall – is a top spot for any big outdoor event. Surrounded by stunning natural beauty, it’s got the perfect backdrop to make any occasion feel special. The space is roomy and offers easy access to public BBQs in a separate area, so you can throw some snags on the grill and enjoy the fresh air.

While this space is available to book, it is in a shared public area.

What your booking will reserve:

  • The paved area near the Waterfall

What you have access to:

  • Toilet - during opening hours

  • Power - No

  • Water - Yes (Water fountain & tap)

  • Gate access - Key required (bridal cars for drop off only)


  • No pegging - infrastructure to be secured with suitable weighting without the use of pegs, spikes or stakes

  • Dogs on this reserve must always be kept on a lead not exceeding 2 metres. Penalties apply.

  • A permit will be required if you are wanting to have one or more of the following items (Petting zoos, Bouncy Castle, Mobile Food truck, Face painter, Entertainers)

Shared Open Public Spaces:

  • Gazebo (Separate bookable area)

  • Grassed areas

  • 3 x Sheltered areas with BBQ's

  • Grassed Amphitheatre area

Just to clarify, while this one specific space is bookable, this does not include the shared the open-access areas, these are still public spaces that anyone can use at any time.

We do not accept bookings within 2 weeks of the booking start date.

Bond: a $550.00 bond is required for the following event types:

Weddings / Events with 100+ people

Booking schedule

1 AM
2 AM
3 AM
4 AM
5 AM
6 AM
7 AM
8 AM
9 AM
10 AM
11 AM
12 PM
1 PM
2 PM
3 PM
4 PM
5 PM
6 PM
7 PM
8 PM
9 PM
10 PM
11 PM

Extra items and charges

This space has extra items and charges that can be added to your booking. Some may be required depending on your booking time and type, which will be shown at the checkout.

Private Hire - 51 to 100 people
$110.00 per booking
Fee for Private Hire with a capacity of 51 to 100 people
Private Hire - 101 to 500 people
$330.00 per booking
Fee for Private Hire with a capacity of 101 to 500 people
Private Hire - Over 500 people
$550.00 per booking
Fee for Private Hire with a capacity of more than 500 people
Public Event Hire - Less than 500 people
$330.00 per booking
Fee for Public Event Hire with a capacity less than 500 people
Public Event Hire - More than 500 people
$550.00 per booking
Fee for Public Event Hire with a capacity of more than 500 people
Commercial Event
$1,815.00 per booking
Fee for a Commercial Event
Lost Key
$55.00 per booking
Fee for a lost key
Call-out fee
$180.00 per booking
Fee resulting from hirer not following instructions
Private Hire -1 to 50 people
No Extra Charge
Fee for Private Hire with a capacity of 1 to 50 people


Outdoor Area Free Parking

Suitable for

Birthday (Kids) Birthday (16th) Birthday (18th) Birthday (21st) Birthday (30th) Birthday Party Graduation Party Celebration Wake Family Event Performance Photoshoot General Fitness Meditation Yoga Community Group Gathering Meet Up Fundraiser Public Event Baby Shower Playgroup School Holiday Program Marriage Proposal Wedding Ceremony Engagement


Stockade Botanical Park, Howard Road, Northfield SA, Australia

Opening times


8:00am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 6:00pm


8:00am - 6:00pm


Care and Use of Location:

  • To maintain pedestrian access and safety, event infrastructure or attendees are not to encroach onto footpaths or walkways.
  • Hirer must leave the reserve in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the Activity Period and is responsible for removing all rubbish from the reserve.
  • The Hirer must not cause, suffer or permit any damage to Council land or property whilst undertaking the Activity. The Hirer is liable to pay the Council the costs of making good any damage caused to Council land or property in connection with the Activity.


  • The City of Port Adelaide Enfield prefer event infrastructure be secured with suitable weighting without the use of pegs, spikes or stakes to protect reserves and underground irrigation.
  • All infrastructure used as part of the booking must be continuously monitored, particularly in extreme weather conditions.
  • Shelters and tents must not be erected or placed in a manner that excessively obstructs the views of other persons using a reserve or otherwise unreasonably interfere with the use of a reserve by any other person. Ropes on the ground must be highlighted with warning containment tape.
  • All umbrellas shall be suitably anchored to prevent ‘wind lift off’ and will be in a safe condition with no protruding spines/spikes.


  • Vehicles are to use the designated parking areas. Vehicles are not to be driven or parked on any part of the reserve as this constitutes an offence under regulation 66 of the Road Traffic Act (Miscellaneous) 2014.

LPG Heaters, BBQs & Open Fires:

  • Barbecues and heaters are permitted on the reserve but must be operated by a competent adult and comprise safe gas temperature controls, hoses and regulators.
  • The Hirer must not bring an LPG cylinder onto the reserve where more than ten (10) years have passed since the stamp test date marked on the cylinder.
  • All barbecues and heaters on the reserve must be located on level ground away from flammable sources and sheltered from wind.
  • Open fires are strictly prohibited on or at the Facility.

Hirer Conduct:

  • The Permit Holder must not carry on or allow to be carried on any offensive, unlawful or dangerous activities at or from the reserve or create a nuisance or disturbance either for the Council or for the owners or occupiers of any adjoining premises.


Additional details

Host's Cancellation Policy
100% refund on cancellations up until 14 days before your booking. After that, there are no refunds on cancellation.
Parking and Public Transport Information

Allocated car parking is available.

Space Terms and Conditions

Read this Space's terms and conditions

This Space is covered by SpaceProtect

Click here to learn about SpaceProtect

Frequently asked questions