City of Melville - Atwell House

Spaces Hosted by City of Melville - Atwell House

SpacetoCo Host since July 2023 · 1k bookings

Atwell House & Gallery is a community arts centre located in Alfred Cove, situated on the bank of the Swan River. Atwell House & Gallery sits within the Atwell Arts Precinct, shared with Karlup House, run by the South of the River Potters.

Atwell House Room 1 Atwell House Room 1

Alfred Cove

Min. 1 hour

Atwell House Room 2/3 Atwell House Room 2/3

Alfred Cove

Min. 1 hour
4 (1)

Atwell Gallery Atwell Gallery

Alfred Cove


Wonnil meeting place Wonnil meeting place

Alfred Cove

Min. 1 hour